Monday, December 26, 2011

Final Countdown

Just another quick update..

We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Davis household. The little guy got spoiled! As did Josh and I. We were able to spend a lot of time with both families, which was great! It's so nice to have both of them so close!

And now for the original purpose of the post...
We have recently reached "The Final Countdown" as I like to call it. AKA the last ten weeks. The lil man's due date is approaching quickly and we couldn't be more anxious! ...or scared to death! Haha.

As of this past Thursday I'm 32 weeks along. 8 more weeks...or who knows, possibly less!! :) or more :( so far I feel MAJOR complaints but I'm slowly feeling the discomfort coming on. I won't complain though...I've been very blessed with an 'easy' pregnancy so far. So here's to hoping the rest of this process continues to go just as smoothly!

And here's a few pics. I am very reluctant to post these, but I figure between my sweet smart-mouthed brother and the dear outspoken customers at the bank I have been prepared for whatever comments may be made :) haha gotta love it!!

This is about 18 weeks along...

...and here's about 20 weeks (it would appear that i'm always in the middle of laundry when i take these pics, but truth be told--the guest room has unofficially just become the laundry room. so there's always something in there waiting to be put away haha)

This one's from about 30 weeks..

And here's one from today 32 weeks!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I've been sitting here in a quiet house enjoying a very active baby boy! My whole belly has just been rolling...I love him SO so so so so MUCH! It is the most amazing feeling and each day makes me more anxious for his arrival. As of today, I'm 27 weeks along..only 3 months left! I have been so lucky to have had such an "easy" pregnancy so far. I really don't have a single complaint, and I hope I didn't just *jinx* myself by saying it's been easy haha. With it being Thanksgiving and all, I've reflected a LOT on how blessed I am. (I REALLY should do that more often) This lil guy has been such a blessing in our life and has really made me very aware of all our blessings. I can't stop thanking my Heavenly Father for ALL he offers us. We are so lucky to have our home, our jobs, good health, great friends and most importantly our family! I'm so glad we made the decision to be married in the brings me great joy to know our lil guy will be born into the covenant and that we will have him for ever and ever.
-No Matter What-
Having a forever family is by far the most important thing to me. It's very intimidating to think of the responsibility we are taking on in raising one of our Heavenly Father's special little spirits in the world today. I feel that if we can teach our children the importance of family, and help them build a testimony of eternal families we will have (in even the smallest degree) succeeded in our role as parents. There's plenty more I want to teach my kids, but that right there would mean the world to me.
The 'unconditional love of a parent' is becoming very real to me and, in turn, makes me more and more grateful for my own parents and for Josh's parents. My mom is my very best friend and my daddy is my hero and the best guardian angel ANYONE could ask for! I know I can turn to either one of them for anything at all. Likewise with Josh's parents. I spend a lot of nights home alone while he is at work and, as much as I HATE being home alone, It brings me great comfort to have them right next door. They'll do anything for their family regardless of what sacrifices that might require them to make. More than anything, I'm grateful for the way they've raised their son. He is the most loving and considerate husband I could ever ask for. He goes above and beyond and he pushes himself to be better each and everyday. I can't get enough of how much he already loves this little guy. Not too long ago, he was able to start feeling baby boy kick and stretch a lot. I reflect on the pure joy in his expression often and it never fails to bring a smile to my face and sometimes, tears to my eyes (thank you hormones!).
Last but not least...I'm thankful for the Armed Forces who fight/have fought to protect and grant us the freedoms we enjoy. Having had Zach over in Afghanistan for the past year has really opened my eyes to the sacrifices our soldiers make for us. I don't know how they do it, but i'm grateful they are willing to.
I really need to be better about posting pictures, but I couldn't pass up a chance to express my gratitude on a day like today. I hope you all will have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy every second you have with your families!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Comes Love.. Then Comes Marriage...

Then comes...Yep! we're expecting! :) I'm currently 12 weeks along! So far I've been very lucky to not be sick! Last week brought a spell of headaches, but so far they haven't come back around to bother me anymore! I've been very lucky so far to have an 'easy' pregnancy and I hope that continues to be the case. Josh and I are both so very excited!! I think a lot of people think it was an "oops" because we haven't been married all that long....but for the record, we definitely planned this one! We can NOT wait to meet the little one, its going to be another long 6 months(ish). My due date is February 23rd! We both feel it's a girl...but I guess only time will tell! We don't have a preference on the sex at all, just want a healthy, happy baby :) It amazes me just how much we already love baby Davis. I can only imagine how that love will continue to grow exponentially!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Just a quick lil update from the Davis home..

We bought a new vehicle. Its a 2007 Jeep Rubicon..and it's pretty sexy! :)

We had a great memorial day weekend. Aside from getting caught in the downpour while on our way home from our rzr ride! We visited dad's grave. It looked beautiful, so thanks to all who dropped by!

We finally got our grass seed planted...and its actually GROWING!! I don't know how much justice this picture will do...

And our little ones are just not little at all anymore! (i love kirras lil underbite haha)

Overall, we're happy, healthy and VERY blessed! Life is GREAT!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Married Life...

Just wanted to post a quick update...since it's been FOREVER. Married life has been busy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Our wedding day was perfect!! The weather did SUCK, but everyone traveled safely and things went really smoothly. I can't thank our friends and family enough for helping to pull it all together! Josh and I had a quick honeymoon to the romantic city of Salt Lake, UT! haha...we stayed at The Monaco and spent a day in Park City. We also got to see the lights at Temple Square...definitely one of my favorite parts about Christmas time! Since then we've just been busy with work and having fun when we have some free time. We went to Vegas over President's Day weekend with some friends! It was a nice break and great to have some better weather for even a short period of time. Now that things are thawing out in our neck of the woods, we're starting some home improvement projects. One of which is our fence. Let me tell ya how much fun I didn't have this morning with that one. We were fortunate enough, however, to have a guy from our ward (who is also SOMEhow related to Josh's family) come over with a post hole digger and help us out. That alone save us (and by us i mean josh) at least 2 weeks of work! So hopefully the weather will warm up enough that we can stand to be outside long enough to get it finished soon! Anyways...that's that for now, sorry there's no pictures! Hopefully I'll have some of a COMPLETED fence here soon!