Monday, March 9, 2009

SiN CiTY =)

So it's ~Spring Break~ and we're in Vegas! Kierst, her mom and I got in later Saturday night and we'll be leaving to head to CaLi Monday morning/early afternoon. We've taken advantage of the time we've spent here in Sin City so far...&& i figured I'd post some pics! :)

This is our condo...&& Kierst's lil VW Bug we've spent many, many hours in...

& what do we have here??
A Chippendale..Woo!!
Kierst & I got pictures with a couple of em, which was an experience in itself! LoL
..but we didn't buy any of em. (EXPENSIVE!)
Personal photos weren't allowed.
So...I just snapped some as we passed by hehe sneaky, sneaky.

"Eiffel Tower"

This is Kierst & I waitin our turn for the rides on the TOP of the STRATOSPHERE..!
Can you guess who was scared and who almost couldn't wait?! =)

& here's a quick video of the view from the top.

& this is a video of one of the rides..F-U-N!

Well, I've got a whole week in CaLi ahead of me! =)

So.. be expecting some more pics and such soon!

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